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Black belt

Sarah Robson

Black Belt Barrister (4th Dan)

2002 Call

Original Black Belt Barrister in action

Sarah spoke at the ACL Costs Conference in Manchester on "Black Belt Court Craft".  She ended the entertaining talk with a board break. 


Kevin Latham was not injured in the making of this talk.

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Black Belt Barrister

Sarah Robson is the original "Black Belt Barrister."  By day she is a Fixed Costs specialist.  By night, she can be found at the local Dojang, practising her Dark Arts, aka Taekwondo.


Sarah attends Detailed Assessments, Oral Reviews, Preliminary Costs Hearings, CCMCs, Appeals, Fast and Multi-Track matters. She is THE go-to barrister for anything to do with Fixed costs.

Sarah Robson holding a punch

As well as being an excellent advocate in court, she is also happy to advise, particularly on technical points and procedural tactics.


Sarah represents both Claimants and Defendants - she feels working for both sides gives her a better understanding of how the other side are likely to run a case.

Warwick Castle

Sarah Robson

East Midlands based
Costs Specialist

Sarah Robson is part of Alpha Court Chambers based in Warwickshire, home of Warwick Castle.

Usual operating area for Sarah Robson Fixed Costs Barrister

Sarah Robson appears in the SCCO, as well as High Courts and County Courts across much of Central England and Wales.


She covers from Leeds to London, Cardiff to Norwich - Nationwide for remote hearings - or on request for in person.

Usual Operating Area

Fixed Costs Specialist

Sarah Robson is a specialist costs barrister with a strong reputation in court.


Sarah is known for her thorough preparation, and for providing detailed and practical advice.


Solicitors often comment how they have never seen counsel so well prepared.


Sarah is the top counsel for cases concerning Fixed Costs.

Barrister's fountain pen
Speaking Engagements
Sarah Robson Barrister

Sarah speaks around the country on fixed costs. Sarah is a popular and engaging speaker. She is not phased by addressing large audiences. She can also be persuaded to provide a Taekwondo demonstration, and has been surprised by the eagerness of the judiciary to have a go too!


Sarah speaks to both Claimant and Defendant audiences, and to professional and lay clients.


Please email to find out about her speaking availability.


Sarah Robson does not have a clerk - she does not need one. Once clients have seen how Sarah works and how good she is they keep coming back!


Solicitors can talk directly to Sarah when they book a case and often benefit from discussing the case with her at that point. There is usually time then to take steps to strengthen your case, whereas where a clerk has taken the booking it is often too late by the time counsel receive papers for a hearing.


It is not unusual for cases to settle once the other side hear that Sarah Robson is the barrister on your side.

Sarah Robson Barrister making a point at a speaking engagement

Sarah is an experienced advocate with a strong reputation in court.


Sarah is known for her thorough preparation, and for providing detailed and practical advice. Solicitors often comment how they have never seen counsel so well prepared.


Sarah is the top counsel for cases concerning fixed costs.

Awards and Scholarships

Sarah was awarded the London University Prize for Distinguished Exam Performance in her LLB (Hons) (1999)


Sarah received a major award from the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple for her Bar School year (2001)


Sarah received a major award from her Bar School, the University of the West of England (2001)

Winner icon
Original Black Belt Barrister

Sarah is the original Black Belt Barrister.


She is a current practicing 4th degree black belt in Tae kwon do, a fully qualified Tae kwon do instructor and referee. 


She is registered with the British Taekwondo Council. 


She regularly judges Tae kwon do competitions at both local and national level.

Sarah Robson, Black Belt in Taekwondo
Bar Standards Board Logo
Bar Standards Board

Sarah Robson is a barrister regulated by the Bar Standards Board (BSB).

She is governed by the Bar Standards Board Code of Conduct. 


The Barristers' Register shows (1) who has a current practising certificate, and (2) whether a barrister has any disciplinary findings, which are published on the Barristers’ Register in accordance with the BSB’s policy.

Contractual Terms

All work is carried out under COMBAR's standard terms and conditions, payment option A. These can be found here

These terms will apply to all instructions and briefs accepted from solicitors and other authorised persons unless other terms have been agreed in writing.

Combar logo

Sarah aims to make the process of instructing her straight-forward.  She understand the need to be flexible and to work together as a team to provide practical solutions. If you would like to instruct her please call or email direct.  Please do not supply details about the case before checking if she is conflicted.


Work in England and Wales

Sarah accepts instructions from:

•Solicitors, other authorised litigators, employed barristers and legal advice centres in England & Wales

•European lawyers registered with the Law Society and qualified lawyers from other jurisdictions

•Licensed professionals in the UK under the Licensed Access scheme


Please note Sarah is not Direct Access Qualified.  Members of the public should seek a solicitor.


Sarah is happy to discuss fees, which are usually based on her hourly/daily rate, and agree a fixed fee, which will vary depending on the work required. These fees are likely to be higher if your case is particularly complex or urgent.


A fixed fee means she will charge you a set amount of money for the work required.  She will need to agree a fee in advance for each piece of work going forward.


She is willing to provide quotations or estimates of fees and a timetable for completing work.  Fee quotations or estimates will usually be based on hourly/daily rates.   She can also in some circumstances offer a fixed or capped fee for drafting or a hearing.


For trials will be provide an estimate of a brief fee and where appropriate, a refresher rate.  Fees may be structured in a way to suit the client, for instance charging agreed fees for preparation of a skeleton argument, for general preparation, and for  attendance at court. 


Timescales for completion of work can depend on a number of factors, examples being: availability of Counsel and or client; complexity of the matter; and number of papers involved; and will obviously be affected by the volume of other work being undertaken.  For instance if counsel is engaged in a two-week trial it may not be possible to complete work within the usual timescale.  As a guide, she would normally expect to complete paperwork within three weeks unless external factors (which will be explained at the outset) prevent this.


As regards court work, much depends on the timetables provided by the courts, over which she has no control, and the need to comply with court prescribed timetables.  Work required to comply with these timetables has to take priority over other work.


A copy of Chambers' Complaints policy can be found by clicking the above link.


If you are unhappy with the response to your complaint, or if you receive no final response within eight weeks and you fall within their jurisdiction you may take up your complaint with the Legal Ombudsman, the independent complaints body for complaints about lawyers. The Ombudsman is not able to consider your complaint until it has first been investigated by Chambers. Please note that You must complain to the Legal Ombudsman either within six years of your barrister’s actions/failure to act, or no later than three years after you should reasonably have known there were grounds to complain. 

You must also complain to the Legal Ombudsman within six months of receiving your barrister’s final response to your complaint.”


You can write to them at:

Legal Ombudsman

PO Box 6806,



Telephone number: 0300 555 0333



More information about the Legal Ombudsman is available on their website:


The Ombudsman’s website of decisions during the last 12 months, showing against whom the Ombudsman has made any ruling, or any decision requiring a remedy, is available at Ombudsman decision data | Legal Ombudsman

Not afraid of difficult cases

Why not call and ask to speak to Sarah to find out what she can do for you?

That case you hate in the bottom of your cupboard, we know it's there. 


Sarah can help.

Sarah Robson Barrister Speaking Engagement
Taekwondo World Championships 2023

Sarah's own club attended the 2023 Taekwondo World Championships and came back with 22 new World Champions! 


Total medal count: 22 Gold medals, 17 Silver medals and 20 Bronze medals.  Oh, and her own instructor retains his title as the World Champion too.

Not all Black Belt Barristers can say this.

Original Worlds High Res group shot
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