Sarah Robson Barrister
0800 634 9650
The original Black Belt Barrister
Fixed Costs Specialist
Recorder Morgan, Leicester CC, 5th Dec 2011
(Leaving for technical non-compliance only not reasonable)
DJ Atkinson Leicester CC 25th Jan 2014;
reviewed DJ Atkinson 29th Sept 2014;
on appeal HHJ Hampton 20th Jan 2015
(First Tier Appeal - Failure to explain reason for offer not fatal)
HHJ Platts, Manchester CC, 29th Nov 2012
(First Tier Appeal - CPR 45.24 engaged even when case automatically left, where that departure was caused by an act which the Claimant elected to take)
DJ Matharu, Manchester CC, 25th Jun 2013
(Omission to act causing claim to leave Portal was an election to leave)
DDJ Smedley, Birkenhead CC, 13th Jul 2015
(Where judge ordered case out of Portal was still Claimant's election to leave)
DDJ Matthews, Leicester CC, 14th May 2012
(No obligation to make offer in Portal, unreasonable to leave for that, D's Costs awarded on indemnity basis following finding that C acted unreasonably)
Rafiania v All Type Scaffolding Ltd
DDJ Corscadden, Manchester CC, 14th Jan 2015
(No test of reasonableness for total failure to use the Portal)
Liverpool CC, 17th Oct 2012
(Making a pre-med offer did not justify leaving the Portal)
Stoke on Trent CC, DJ Rank, 25th Feb 2017
(Claim left Portal after Claimant failed to include mandatory information in the CNF)
DJ Revere, Clerkenwell & Shoreditch CC, 30th May 2018
(Not unreasonable to leave Portal Protocol because became too complex, applications to limit C to Portal costs cannot be made until claim concluded)